I recently gave my book, Sunlight on My Shadow, to my three brothers and my sister.  After working on it for four years, I was a bit timid to be laying it all out there.  I wondered if they would think I put Dad in a poor light.  I wondered if they would feel like it would be better to keep a tight lid on my story. None of them knew the details because, in 1967, when it happened my father instructed my brothers and sister to tell everyone that I had a kidney disease and that was why I had to go away.  They weren’t even supposed to tell the real story to their spouses.  Then,  when I left, no one visited me or said anything when I came home.  They never asked what it was like at the home for unwed mothers, or asked about the birth, or about giving away my baby.  It was to protect the secret. So for decades the story was kept in some cryptic place in our hearts.

Only a few days after I had sent the book, I got a phone call from my brother John.